reap vt.,vi. 1.刈取,收割,采收。 2.得到,获得(努力的结果)。 3.遭到(报应);得到(报偿)。 reap grain [fruit] 收割粮食[采收水果]。 reap as [what] one sows [has sown] 自食其果;种瓜得瓜种豆得豆,善因善果,恶因恶果。 reap experience 取得经验。 reap the fruits of one's actions 自作自受。 reap where one has not sown 不劳而获,侵占别人的劳动成果。 sow the wind and reap the whirl wind 恶有恶报;干坏事必将受到严厉的报应。 n. -er 收割者;收获者;收割机。
Chengdu to siem reap is run by angkor airlines and usually booked by tourist groups 成都到暹粒的直飞航班是吴哥航空经营的,通常被旅游团包机。
Come to enjoy the food and fun at hkcec , with a chance to win a free trip to siem reap 把握这个难得的机会,约同亲友在会展中心庆贺佳节,并赢取免费旅游柬浦寨!
Come to enjoy the food and fun at hkcec , with a chance to win a free trip to siem reap 把握这个难得的机会,约同亲友在会展中心庆贺佳节,并赢取免费旅游柬浦寨!
They were flying to the coastal town of sihanoukville from siem reap , a popular tourist destination for angkor temples 他们当时正从吴哥窟所在的柬埔寨旅游胜地暹粒飞往西哈努克村。
They were flying to the coastal town of sihanoukville from siem reap , a popular tourist destination for angkor temples 他们当时正从吴哥窟所在的柬埔寨旅游胜地暹粒飞往沿海城镇西哈努克村。
The archaeological site in siem reap was the capital of the khmer ( cambodian ) empire from the ninth to 15th centuries 吴哥窟(柬埔寨) :这个位于暹粒省的考古遗址是9世纪至15世纪高棉(柬埔寨)王朝的首都。
The flight will take off at hanoi , with stopover in lang prabang , arrive finally at siem reap , flying on daily basis every week except tuesday and sunday 航班从河内起飞,经停琅勃拉邦,最后抵达暹粒(吴哥) ,每周除周二、周日外每天都有一个航班。
Breakfast in the hotel , coach journey to siem reap ( 5 hours ) . check in hotel , visit : angkor silk farm , artisans d angkor , and cambodian cultural village 用完早餐后,乘车前往暹粒(车程约5小时) .游览:养蚕丝织园,石雕和木雕培训中心,柬埔寨民俗文化村。
Two weeks earlier , he had learned through a relief agency of 30 children in siem reap , cambodia , who would not survive without heart surgery , which they could not afford 2个星期后,他透过一个慈善机构得知,高棉西里有30名儿童若不接受心脏手术便无法存活,可是却又负担不起。